Resilience, Grit, and Mental Agility

May 4, 2022

Mental health is as important as physical health. A positive mental health allows us to manage stress, cope with major setbacks in our lives as well as simple challenges at work or at home. 

Positive mental health is not just the absence of a mental illness

When we say positive state of mental health, it is not just the absence of mental illness (What Is Mental Wellness, n.d.) it is more on how an individual deals with emotions, social relationships, the ability to function in daily life as well as spiritual, religious, or existential state (McGroarty, 2021).

Intellect is good, but we also need resilience, grit, and mental agility

Intellectual talent is a crucial element to achieving academic and professional goals. However, talent alone is not enough. Skills such as resilience, grit and mental agility are also major factors in achieving success in life. 

These traits are also an indication of a positive mental health. Resilience is the ability to easily bounce back and adjust when faced with adversity while grit is defined as the perseverance and passion of an individual to achieve long-term goals (What Is the Difference Between Resilience and Grit, 2019). 

Mental agility on the other hand, is the capacity to respond to unpredictable events and figure out the best course of action to move forward (Roberts, 2021). With or without intellectual talent, when hard work is joined with these skill sets, success is definitely achievable. One may be born with resilience, grit and mental agility but these skills can also be adapted and learned.

Just as exercising and eating healthy keep one’s body physically fit, mental wellness can also be achieved through learning and training. 

That being said, JBW Managing Services and Consulting Corporation offers a training program for this specific purpose called ‘Mental Wellness: Lessons for Living Life Well’. Join us in a 2-days workshop on July 20-21, 2022, from 9AM to 12NN and learn how to manage stress and improve your work-life balance as well as productivity.


Connection Between Mental and Physical Health. (n.d.). CMHA Ontario. Retrieved May 3, 2022, from

McGroarty, B. (2021, February 23). Industry Research: Defining “Mental Wellness” vs. “Mental Health” -. Global Wellness Institute. Retrieved May 3, 2022, from

Roberts, G. L. (2021, February 25). The defining skill of 2021: Mental agility. Training Journal. Retrieved May 4, 2022, from

What is Mental Wellness. (n.d.). Singapore Association for Mental Health. Retrieved May 3, 2022, from

What is the Difference Between Resilience and Grit. (2019, December 11). Pediaa.Com. Retrieved May 4, 2022, from